Automation Industry in project management is bound to trigger a complete revolution in the long-held and prevalent beliefs of the language services industry. While executives may be tempted to resist the push for automation out of fear of the unknown or lack of technology expertise, automating PM processes becomes even more urgent for LSPs than adding Automation Industry via neural machine translation(NMT). CSA Research contends that the benefits it delivers in eliminating unnecessary manual touches will allow companies to re-deploy its human assets to more valuable tasks. As technology improves, we recommend that all providers review their operations to learn where they could take the best advantage of the Automation Industry.
Of course, the Automation Industry makes the language industry anxious. Even after LSPs switch to heavily automated business models, there will still be people involved. Some LSPs will take advantage of the changes, others won’t, this is no different than what we’ve been seeing for the last 30 years. There is a risk, and work to be done, but the sky is not falling.